APK Pentesting Checklist
APK Files and Information Gathering
Check for application ecosystem:
React Native Application: com.facebook.com.react entry in AndroidManifest.xml
Flutter Application: io.flutter folder or flutter.embedding entry in AndroidManifest.xml
Download APK from third-party sources (APKpure, apk-downloader, apkmirror, apk-dl, androidappsapk).
Use PlaystoreDownloader for direct APK download from Play Store.
Installing on the Device
Install from Play Store.
If APK is on host system, use adb install application.apk.
Monitor mobile device for permission pop-ups during installation.
Reverse Engineering and Analysis
Convert .apk file to .zip file and extract.
Read AndroidManifest.xml using Apktool:
Apktool d application.apk
cd application
Open AndroidManifest.xml in a text editor and analyze.
Reverse engineering DEX bytecode:
Rename application.apk to application.zip and extract.
Use d2j-dex2jar -f classes.dex to get Java class files.
Use JD-GUI to read Java source code from class files.
Static Analysis (Manually and Automated)
Analyze Java source code for hardcoded sensitive information.
Use MobSF for static analysis.
Check android:debuggable attribute in AndroidManifest.xml.
Check for typos in custom permissions in AndroidManifest.xml.
Test for exported activities:
Check intent-filters in AndroidManifest.xml.
Test execution control of non-exported activities via exported ones using adb.
Test for exported broadcast receivers in AndroidManifest.xml.
Network Analysis
Check for SSL pinning and its bypass:
Setup Burp proxy or similar.
Install certificates for root CA.
Capture app traffic.
Use Frida and Objection to bypass SSL pinning.
Test Frida server functionality with Frida-ps -Ua.
Disable SSL pinning with Objection.
Dynamic Analysis
Analyze app logs using pidcat/logcat:
pidcat target-app-package-name
Check if sensitive information is protected against screenshots:
adb shell /system/bin/screencap /sdcard/img.png
adb pull /sdcard/img.png
Test for root detection mechanisms:
Install app on rooted device and check for alerts.
Check shared preferences for persistent login information.
Check keyboard cache:
Use SQLite browser to read user_dict.db.
Test for vulnerable broadcast receivers:
Check for intents sent by broadcasts.
Analyze AndroidManifest.xml for exported broadcast receivers.
Test for intent sniffing:
Search for sendBroadcast function in decompiled code.
Test for deep linking vulnerabilities:
Analyze intent filters in AndroidManifest.xml.
Test for WebView vulnerabilities:
Look for @JavascriptInterface, setJavaScriptEnabled, setWebViewClient in smali code.
Check for dangerous WebView settings like setAllowFileAccess(true).
Test for local encryption issues:
Check for weak cryptographic algorithms.
Inspect app code for encryption configurations and keys.
Check for storage issues from AndroidManifest.xml:
Look for uses-permission: android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE".
Check code for file permissions and storage APIs.
Inspect external storage for sensitive information.
Check for secrets in res/values/strings.xml, build configs, and /data/misc/keystore/.
Check for input validation issues:
Test login page for SQL injection.
Check URI schemes for input validation.
Check for access control issues:
dentify exported components in AndroidManifest.xml.
Attempt to access sensitive information from outside the app using adb.
Last updated
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