- Methodology just pass the jwt and cookie of the low leverage user to auth analyzer and it will repeat all admin requests with the lower privilege user
Failure to invalidate token
Generate an invitation link and send it to your secondary account to join the team.
Accept the invitation.
Remove the secondary user from the team.
Try to rejoin the organization using the same invitation link, and prepare to be amazed!
Admin Invitation
1- Admin need to put password to deactive 2FA 2- Admin can invite another admin 3- Second admin can deactive 2FA for first admin without password
1- Admin invite user with specific email 2- User open message in email to complete registertion 3- After finish user intercept request before submit 4- Change email at email parameter 5- Email changed Successfully
API Misconfiguration Leads to PrevEsc
1- Admin invite user 2- User login 3- In user login request there's parameter called role:"user" 4- Use match & replace to changed it to role:"admin" 5- Login with user, it's logout me directly 6- But i see all informtion with burp via api endpoints
signup without accept invitation
Send invite to
Disregard Invite, directly signup. becomes part of the organisation.
Victim organisation dashboard still shows that hasn’t accepted the invitation sent to email.
But in real time remains part of the organisation anonymously.
Logic Error Leads to Project Takeover
User invite attacker to the project as member
Attacker changes his name with bad chracters like html tags and %00 and other latina chars
Victim tries to remove attacker from the team but he faces errors and the request doesn't occure
XSS in first-name through invitaiton link
Token Leaked in the Resend-Token endpoint
Member invite admin
Viewer edit content
Member invite member
Member edit org settings
Member can remove members
Viewer can edit
Member edit permissions
Invitation link doesn't expire
IDOR in email parameter when sign up using invitation feature
Sign_up without accepting the invitation the attacker join organization anonymously
ATO invite user, token leaked in response , Claim victim account
Race Condition in invite user
Race Condition in accepting invitation
Last updated 8 months ago
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