APK structure

  1. META-INF: Contains verification information like CERT.SF, CERT.RSA, and MANIFEST.MF files, which ensure app integrity and require resigning if any modifications occur.

  2. assets: Stores developer-controlled resources such as videos, document templates, or code/data for frameworks like Cordova or React-native.

  3. AndroidManifest.xml: A critical file that describes the app’s components, permissions, and compatibility features. This file is often modified during Appdome’s Fusion process to support selected settings.

  4. classes.dex: Contains compiled Java/Kotlin code in Dalvik bytecode format. Multiple classes.dex files can exist if needed. Appdome adds and modifies these files during its Fusion process for policy integration and code obfuscation.

  5. kotlin: Holds Kotlin-specific data if the app is written in Kotlin, which may change based on the Fusion policy.

  6. lib: Contains native libraries for various processors (e.g., ARM, x86). The presence of these subfolders indicates platform compatibility. Appdome encrypts these files for security.

  7. res: Contains resources with a predefined hierarchy for different screen orientations, OS versions, and languages. Appdome repacks these files during the Fusion process, often adding new files or altering existing ones.

  8. resources.arsc: Links code to resources, facilitating the display of appropriate text or assets based on device settings. This file is also repacked by Appdome.

Last updated