Login Backdoor

  • Back to jadx in the DoLogin Activity i found this weird Code

The "devadmin" part in the postData method handles a specific case where the username is "devadmin." When the username is "devadmin," the method sends the login data to a different endpoint (/devlogin) rather than the standard login endpoint (/login). This could be used for developers or administrators who might need to authenticate through a different process or endpoint. Here’s a more detailed explanation focusing on this aspect:

  1. Check Username:

    • The method checks if the username is "devadmin":

      javaCopy codeif (DoLogin.this.username.equals("devadmin")) {
  2. Send to /devlogin Endpoint:

    • If the username is "devadmin", it sets the entity (the body of the HTTP request) for httppost2 (which points to the /devlogin URL) with the prepared login data and executes this post request:

      javaCopy codehttppost2.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nameValuePairs));
      responseBody = httpclient.execute(httppost2);
  3. Send to /login Endpoint:

    • If the username is not "devadmin", it sets the entity for httppost (which points to the standard /login URL) with the login data and executes this post request:

      javaCopy codehttppost.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nameValuePairs));
      responseBody = httpclient.execute(httppost);
  • So Login with username "devadmin" and without password will authenticate you as devadmin

Last updated