This guide covers setting up a mobile testing environment, including installation of Genymotion, Frida, Drozer, APK Signer, Medusa, and Jadx. Each tool is critical for analyzing and testing Android applications in a controlled, virtual environment.
Install: Follow the installation wizard for your operating system.
Create Android Virtual Devices (AVDs): Open Genymotion and add a virtual device by selecting a specific Android version and device model.
Install Burp
Frida And Burp on Genymotion
Python is essential for Frida, and most Debian-based systems come with it pre-installed. To verify and install Python if necessary, follow these steps:
Download the Frida Server for your emulator’s Android version: Frida Releases
adb shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abi # result should be x86
unxz frida-server-12.7.20-android-x86.xz
mv frida-server-12.7.20-android-x86 frida-server
To use drozer globally, add an alias in your shell configuration file (~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc):
alias drozer="~/.venvs/drozer/bin/drozer"
Then, reload your shell configuration with source ~/.zshrc or source ~/.bashrc.
Setting up Jadx
# Download the latest release
# Unzip the downloaded file
unzip jadx-*.zip
# Move the extracted directory to a known location (e.g., ~/bin/jadx)
mv jadx-* ~/bin/jadx
# Make sure they are in bin/ diredctory and the lib/ directory is in the home directory
Install APKTool
Download the Linux wrapper script. (Right click, Save Link As apktool)
Move both apktool.jar and apktool to /usr/local/bin. (root needed)
Make sure both files are executable. (chmod +x)
Try running apktool via CLI.
# Download APKTool
# Make it executable
chmod +x apktool
# Move it to a known location (e.g., ~/bin/apktool)
mv apktool ~/bin/apktool
# Download the APKTool jar file
wget -O ~/bin/apktool.jar
Install Dex2Jar
# Download Dex2Jar
# Unzip the downloaded file
# Move the extracted directory to a known location (e.g., ~/bin/dex2jar)
mv dex-tools-v2.4/ ~/bin/dex2jar
APK Signer
APK Signer is required to sign APKs. It comes with the Android SDK’s build tools, so you need to install android-sdk to access it.
Install the Android SDK and APK Signer:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y android-sdk
Sign an APK:
c sign --ks my-release-key.jks --out signed.apk unsigned.apk
Replace my-release-key.jks with your keystore file and unsigned.apk with the file you want to sign.